Membership Information
Anyone working with students in a helping capacity or with a special interest in assisting students in maximizing their potential from their school experiences will benefit from involvement with the Guidance Council.
Non-ATA members may join on a subscription basis.
Regular Membership:
Active members of the Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) and associate members eligible for active membership as specified in ATA bylaws are eligible for regular membership in specialist councils. This includes superintendents, deputy superintendents and teachers in charter, federal and private schools who are associate members of the ATA. Regular members are entitled to all the benefits and services of council membership, including the right to vote and hold office.
Life Membership:
Life members of the ATA are eligible for life membership in specialist councils. They are entitled to all the benefits and services of council membership except the right to hold office.
Student Membership:
Student members of the ATA are eligible for student membership in specialist councils. Student members are entitled to all the benefits and services of council membership except the right to hold office. There is no fee for student members of the Association to become student members of a specialist council.
Persons or corporations who are ineligible for active or associate membership in the ATA, such as home-school liaison workers, school psychologists, Student Health Initiative staff, teaching assistants, parents and libraries, as well as retired or non‐active teachers, may be connected with specialist councils by paying a subscription fee of $35/year. Subscribers are eligible to receive council communications and attend council conferences at the member rate as well as other services as determined by the council, but are not members of the council.
To register, please contact Cheryl.OBrien@ata.ab.ca.